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Be a Show-Off - Establish Yourself and Your Private Practice as an Expert Online

Written by Susan Day | Jul 6, 2017 5:00:00 PM

Be a Show-Off - Establish Yourself and Your Private Practice as an Expert Online

Building an online presence is not easy. And once people find the website of your private practice, converting them from potential to actual clients isn’t easy. So what can you do to convince web surfers that they’ve come to the right place?

The Power of Expertise

Remember when you were younger, and you argued with your friends about ridiculous things? And you end the argument with “Well my mum and dad said so!”

You had 100% trust that your parents were right.

Why? Because they established themselves as experts. And what did you do when you didn’t know the answer to a question? You asked your parents. Because they are experts.

Establish Yourself and Your Private Practice as an Expert Online

Building trust online - and therefore convincing potential clients that your services and products are worth their investment - works in similar ways.

If you are providing and sharing valuable content online, you will establish yourself as an expert, and people will trust you to help them with therapy.

Building Expertise

There are several ways you can build a trustworthy reputation online:

  • Participate in forums

  • Share valuable blog post articles

  • Partner with other websites regarding links and guest posts

  • Join the debate on social media

The focus on value is important - simply publishing things just to get your name out doesn’t cut it. People need to benefit from what you say online, to start trusting you with their lives offline.