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What is The One Thing Successful Therapists Do?

Written by Susan Day | Jun 5, 2017 8:00:00 PM

What is The One Thing Successful Therapists Do?

To have a successful private practice you will need to do many things.

You’ll need great business contacts who will send you new clients in the form of referrals.

You’ll need to provide quality service so your existing clients want to share your name with their friends and family.

You’ll also need a great website which establishes your brand, and you as an expert in your field.

And, on top of these things you’ll need to have a well-thought out budget to ensure your practice is a financial success.

However, there is another thing that all successful therapists do apart from these practical ones.

They ask questions.

Ask Questions and Learn

Google, bug people, ask a lot of questions

No therapist is expected to have all the answers to all the questions which might pop up about running a business.

In fact, there are few therapists who are natural business operators; most have to learn how to adapt and grow quickly if they want to survive.

But, they do know who and what to ask. And, they ask often.

Have lists of contacts and what you need to know

The most successful therapists are the ones that ask a lot of questions and reach out to ask for help along their private practice journey.

Keep a journal with you so you can note down what things you need to know. Also, have a list of contacts, websites, and other professionals who might be able to help you.

Don’t be shy, either.

Better still, offer to take a successful therapist out to lunch and ask them if you can pick their brain. They will be flattered that you asked, and will more than likely be happy to share their experiences with you.

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