Why You Should Try Segmented Email Marketing for Your Private Practice

July 04, 2017

Why You Should Try Segmented Email Marketing for Your Private Practice

Sending out standardized mass-emails to all clients is a useful marketing strategy for some businesses - but not for private practices.

A more targeted approach in the form of segmented email marketing will give you much better results. 

Not all Clients are The Same 

Just think about people in your sales funnel - are people that already are taking advantage of your services interested in the same information as potential clients? 

Segmented email marketing helps you reach the right audience with the right message. You can group clients according to their stage of interaction with you.  

Why You Should Try Segmented Email Marketing for Your Private Practice

Why You Should Try Segmented Email Marketing for Your Private Practice

Metrics Benchmarks 

To understand whether your email campaigns are working, there is a couple of numbers you want to look at. On average, opening rates lie between 25-30%, whilst click-through stabilizes at 2-3%.

That means if you send your email to 100 clients, 2-3 people will click on the link included.  

Segmented vs. Non-Segmented 

As you learn to better segment your clients and target emails to their interest, this number will go up. A Mailchimp study from 2016 showed that opening rates are 14.41% higher for segmented campaigns. Even more dramatically, click-through rates increase by 63.75%.  

Why You Should Try Segmented Email Marketing for Your Private Practice

Segmented Email Marketing for Your Private Practice

Building Buckets

Segmentation can be done according to a variety of criteria - do you want to divide recipients according to location or interest, or both?

The best first step to take is differentiating between paying clients and prospective clients. After that decide on your categories and don’t forget to regularly update a subscriber’s status. 

Targeting Messages

Once you’ve decided on the different buckets, you can start creating content for each. Keep in mind the writing best practices, and make your content is easily readable. Out yourself into the shoes of each segment of the email campaign, and think about what information they find of value, and what information you would want them to see.

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