Accelerate The Growth Of Your Private Practice With Google AdWords

June 28, 2017

Accelerate The Growth Of Your Private Practice With Google AdWords

Paid media can be a great way to win new clients for your private practice.

Nowadays clients are searching for online - and you want to make sure that they find you first.

Getting to the top using unpaid methods is tough and time-consuming. Using Google AdWords is more convenient, and most of the time, more successful.

The Secret behind Google AdWords

Have you realized that the top entries on Google search results are marked as ‘advertisement’?

That is exactly what Google AdWords is about. It is an incredibly effective channel for targeted advertisement online.

When people use Google to search for specific terms, and these terms match the terms, phrases or words that the AdWords is matched to, it will appear top of the list.

As it only turns up when clients are looking for related terms, the chance for conversion is very high. And as you will be the first private practice the reader sees, your website is almost guaranteed a click.

Accelerate The Growth Of Your Private Practice With Google AdWords

Accelerate The Growth Of Your Private Practice With Google AdWords

The Allure of Google AdWords

Google AdWords is not the cheapest advertisement channel - Google knows how effective it is, and it will charge accordingly.

However, the investment is often worth it, because:

  • You pay per click (on your website)

  • You can make the ad highly targeted and specific to your client group

  • The advert happens immediately and can be easily adjusted in real time

  • The conversion rate is high

  • The costs is usually still less than traditional advertising channels

  • Google provides you with statistics and insights to improve performance.

Let Thersoft take care of all your documentation while you handle your Google Adwords campaign.

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